Friday, September 21, 2012

Parenting is not a competitive sport

What is it about parenthood that brings out the ultra-competitveness of some people? I dont get it. For some it starts even before their little one makes that grand entrance into the world.

Competitive parent pre-birth

Man I am over this morning sickness, I am 14 weeks it should be easing soon!

14 weeks? Thats nothing I had morning sickness til my baby turned one!

Competitive parent on birth

Wow that labour was really long and tough. was about 34 hours and really intense.

Only 34 hours? I was in labour for 3 years with my baby and then they needed an industrial sized crane to pull him out.

Yeah I had a thrid degree tear, 28 stitches was pretty painful. '

Is that all? I had a 6th degree tear and even needed stitches to my nostrils the tear was that bad. Worst the doctor had ever seen!

Competitive parent on nutrition

We try to limit the amount of sugar our children eat, but realise a treat every now and then wont hurt.

WHAT!!! You actually give them food! We decided thats its safer to eat nothing these days , we even discourage them from inhaling in too much air

Competitive parent on milestones

Littlee Maggie said her first word the other day, so proud of her

Isnt she like 1already? I would be getting her tested if I were you My little Molly stepped out of my vagina reciting shakespeares sonnets

Yay first steps, still a bit shaky but we are on our way.

Well My Bertrand is training for his frst marathon. We thought what better present for his 6 month half birthday than to compete in the bridge to brisbane

Ok, so maybe I am exaggerating...a little, but for some people, every coment you make seems to turn them into a competitive machine. they are always sicker, tireder, better, richer, cleverer , prettier, thinner than you and of course their children are so far beyond yours that you may as well not even bother opening your mouth. I refuse to buy into it. Kids are all so different and will do things when they are ready, not when competive parent decieds they should be ready. I reckon kids should just be allowed to be kids- their beautiful, funny clever little selves who will do things when they are ready. And we love them more than anything in the world- unles syou are a competitiove parent and then you clearly love your child just that bit more than everyone else ; )


  1. Thanks for writing and sharing!! PLEASE slap me if/when I am guilty of this!!

  2. Me too! So true its almost not funny. I so hope I don't do this. You, my dear Ang, are awesome to not buy into it. XX

  3. Love the '...we discourage them from inhaling too much air' line. Hilarious!!!
