To whom it may concern,
I am writing to hand in my resignation from the position of Mother. It is
effective immediately. There are a few reasons for this decisions, which I will
outline in dot points below. Hopefully by bringing these to your attention, you
may rectify them for future employees:
1. My pay is dismal- oh thats right- I am not paid at all!
2. I cant remember the last time I had a proper meal break
3. I cannot even shower or have a toilet break on my own
4. My hours are ridiculously crazy. 24/7 is a bit much by any ones
5. I tried to resolve this through my union- except I dont have one!
6. I work hard all day but the clients come along behind me and constantly
undo what I have done
7. in the course of my day I am vomitted on, dribbled on, sometimes even
pooed on- what other employee would have to work under such conditions.
8. I have no sick leave at all, and no holidays
9. I was never given any training for my role, just thrown in the deep end
with a couple books and the odd piece of advice- usually given when I have made
a mistake
10. My clients are often demanding, needing everything 'right now' and are
often very upset if things dont happen quick enough or the way they wanted
These are just some of the things I have been dealing with, I assure you
there are many many more. Oh, wait, Hang on, my client just smiled at me,
showing off a new tooth. Oh and now he is being very clever and roling over. My
older client just told me I look gorgeous like a princess in my new dress. Now
the newest client just wrapped his chubby little arms around my neck and nuzzled
into my neck. Did I mention he smells divine? Did you know I am my older clients
best friend and he wants to marry me (I realise this is not condoned in our
business) Often times the older client will just come up and kiss me for no
reason and out of the blue tell me he loves me. Awwww the newest c lient just
woke up and greeted me with a smile bigger than the world. Do you know what, I
take back my resignation, I would like to keep this job. There are some things
that are tough and draining and repetitive, and days where i could curl up in a
ball and cry, but the good things far outweigh the bad. The good days erase any
bad ones. When you see the love in their little eyes and you know to them you
are a super hero of the super-est kind. I am content to be paid in kisses. So I
will keep this job thanks very much
Grateful Mummy