Well here its is, finally, the blog I have been longing to write for almost 2 years. I am pregnant with number 2- 13 weeks today. Man has it been hard to wait this long to write. After 4 IVF cycles our little miracle is on the way. I had the nuchal scan yesterday and everythng seems to be perfect- 2 arms,2 legs, head,10 fingers (couldnt see feet but am sure there are 10 toes as well (was a bit concerned about missing body parts as it was a frozen embryo we used...silly I know)
It has been by no means a smooth pregnancy- i dont seem to do pregnancy well- especially 1st and 3rd trimester. IMorning sickness began at the start of week 6 and still hasnt left me. When i say morning sickness I really mean all day, all night horrendous illness! I have lost over 4 kg (which may not seem like much but it would normally take me months to lose that type of weight!) Anything to do with food makes me feel ill. Smelling it, eating it,cooking it, seeing it on tv, even thinking about it. Am so hoping it will resolve soon. I dont think I could face any more oh so classy vomit in the front garden experiences lol.
This pregnancy has been eerily similar to Elijahs pregnancy. Although not planned, their due dates are only a week apart, which means the IVF cycles were very close.I also had a huge bleed with etc at 5 weeks and was sure I had miscarried, just as i did with Elijah. However a scan the next day showed a sac, and the doctor said it was there but he couldnt say whether it would last or not. I had 2 embryos transferred so it was possible both had implanted and I lost one. So another week nd a half of anxious wait til my next scan and then we saw the beautiful little blob with a beating heart. As i was on medication costing over $100 a week,I had scans every 2 weeks wesome!) but am now drug free and on monthly scans.
We havent told Elijah yet, will wait til I am obviously showing. Pregnancy seems to take forever for me,I cant imagine how long it would feel to a 3 year old. I think he will be excited as he loves babies and always says he would like to be a big brother. But being that there will be a 4 year age gap, where he has had sole access to mummy for 4 years there could be a few issues to work through. But we will get there.
So keep fingers crossed that this little one does not decide mummys womb with a view is not good enough to stay in for a full 40 weeks and decide to arrive early like its big brother. And bring on 2nd trimester- I rock at that one!
It has been by no means a smooth pregnancy- i dont seem to do pregnancy well- especially 1st and 3rd trimester. IMorning sickness began at the start of week 6 and still hasnt left me. When i say morning sickness I really mean all day, all night horrendous illness! I have lost over 4 kg (which may not seem like much but it would normally take me months to lose that type of weight!) Anything to do with food makes me feel ill. Smelling it, eating it,cooking it, seeing it on tv, even thinking about it. Am so hoping it will resolve soon. I dont think I could face any more oh so classy vomit in the front garden experiences lol.
This pregnancy has been eerily similar to Elijahs pregnancy. Although not planned, their due dates are only a week apart, which means the IVF cycles were very close.I also had a huge bleed with etc at 5 weeks and was sure I had miscarried, just as i did with Elijah. However a scan the next day showed a sac, and the doctor said it was there but he couldnt say whether it would last or not. I had 2 embryos transferred so it was possible both had implanted and I lost one. So another week nd a half of anxious wait til my next scan and then we saw the beautiful little blob with a beating heart. As i was on medication costing over $100 a week,I had scans every 2 weeks wesome!) but am now drug free and on monthly scans.
We havent told Elijah yet, will wait til I am obviously showing. Pregnancy seems to take forever for me,I cant imagine how long it would feel to a 3 year old. I think he will be excited as he loves babies and always says he would like to be a big brother. But being that there will be a 4 year age gap, where he has had sole access to mummy for 4 years there could be a few issues to work through. But we will get there.
So keep fingers crossed that this little one does not decide mummys womb with a view is not good enough to stay in for a full 40 weeks and decide to arrive early like its big brother. And bring on 2nd trimester- I rock at that one!