I am just wondering if my newly diagnosed affliction is a common one. You see I have discovered I have a condition known as housecleaning attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (H-ADHD for short). You are probably shaking your head and thinking "nope,not me" but read on and see if by the end, you also have this affliction.
It started when I became a stay at home mum. Obviously it was now my job to keep the home fires burning, nutritious, healthy food on the table, a sparkly abode and a contented rosy cheeked little munchkin to greet daddy at the door each afternoon. Well regardless of what Meatloaf thinks, I reckon 1/3 ain't bad.
I hate housecleaning with a passion. Its endless, its repetitive, its mind numbing and its exhausting. Exhausting you say? Well i would have agreed with you before my diagnosis. Housecleaning whilst monotonous, should not be exhausting. Which made me investigate my ways and see what was tiring me out. This is what I found:
Me Cleaning my house
start in kitchen- love a clean kitchen. Fill up sink to soak things, load dishwasher, clean random stuff from bench. hang on, whats my hairbrush doing on the bench? Well better take that back to my room. Oh dear, the ensuite basin needs a clean, might just do that while I am here. Uh oh, the bin is full, better take that out, its bin day tomorrow and if i don't do it now I will surely forget. Walk down hallway with offending rubbish bag and trip on Elijah's toys. What are they doing in the hallway when they clearly belong in the toy room? better take them back first- don't want anyone tripping over them. Put toys away and remember I have a friend coming tomorrow whose little boy loves playing in the toy room. Better give it a quick tidy while I am here. Looks clean, but needs a vacuum. Off to laundry to retrieve the vacuum cleaner and think while I am here I may as well put on a load of washing. Check bathroom for discarded clothes to fill a whole load and see the mirror has toothbrush spray and hand prints on it. I will get right onto that or else i will forget later. Done. Ahh that's right, the washing. washing on, now where was I? Oh I will just go check if i have any emails and see whats news on facebook and kidspot. Hang on there are still dishes in the sink. Wash dishes then find some mail that needs reading and filing. Oh better just pay that bill now or I will forget. Hang on, while I am here I had better have another peek to see if anyone has put some new pics up on facebook. Now, back to the vacuuming. But before then, Elijah is still in his pyjamas, better dress him first. Go to spare room bed to find elijah some clothes- it kind of doubles as another closet and see a basket full of clothes that needs folding. surely Elijah wont mind if I just fold it first. Well since its folded I may as well put it away before it gets all messed up again. Clothes away, see bed is unmade, make mental note to make bed, find more washing, take to laundry, trip over bag of rubbish previously left in hallway. Curse rubbish bag, then think if I am going to the bin I may as well get all the rubbish I can and do it in one trip (we have had lots of rain lately and to get to the bin i almost need scuba equipment and oxygen tanks!) so check fridge for stuff to throw out, better wipe that spill while I am here, check other bathroom cupboard and toilet for more overflowing bins and make the trek outside after explaining to Elijah that if mummy doesn't return by nap time he is to dial 000. Make it back from bin, tidy up deck furniture, see floor needs sweeping, check facebook once more just in case and then flop on the couch in an exhausted state. I look around and the kid is still in pyjamas, the floor still needs vacuuming, the kitchen is unfinished, there is washing to hang out, the bed is till unmade.....................ladies and gentlemen I give you housecleaning ADHD. Now tell me I am the only one???????